Mobile Co-browse

Feature Spotlight

Mobile Co-browse

Mobile co-browse is the same powerful co-browsing technology that has been widely adopted for Web but is now fully supported on native mobile applications for Android and iOS. Mobile Co-browse is not the same as co-browsing on mobile websites, which is a standard feature available ”out of the box” from all standard co-browsing solutions.

Despite the prevalence of mobile as a digital channel, few vendors support co-browsing within mobile apps. Fewer still fully support critical co-browse capabilities such as annotation, remote control, and data redaction on native mobile apps. The reason is that this requires deep mobile expertise and significant ongoing development resources.

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Why it matters

Our digitally connected world is dominated by mobile, with successive generations eschewing desktop technology in favor of mobile devices and applications. Mobile browsing accounts for around 60% of global web traffic and the average person has between 60 and 90 mobile apps installed on their phone.

No wonder then that mobile is strategically important to many companies, with huge investments being made in mobile apps as part of digital transformation and innovation strategies. Companies recognize the improved business outcomes related to customer retention and customer lifetime value when their mobile experience exceeds customer expectations. Despite this, mobile-related cases are driving some of the lowest performance metrics across the contact center, and negative public ratings are reducing market share and harming brand value.

First-class support for mobile ensures that your Agents have the same experience, whether the end user is on the web or a mobile app. This cuts down on training and creates more effective and happier Agents. It also ensures that your end users receive the same excellent level of support whether they are browsing the web or within a native mobile app, increasing adoption for your mobile platforms and driving customer loyalty.

Why offers the most comprehensive support for co-browsing on native mobile applications. Whether your customers are on iOS or Android, our software seamlessly integrates into your apps to deliver a consistent, excellent user experience.

We understand that enterprises can have diverse technology stacks across their customer support channels. Contact center-wide adoption is only possible with the most technically capable solutions. Cobrowse features full support for all critical co-browsing capabilities, across all popular frameworks, such as SwiftUI, Android Compose, React Native, Flutter, Cordova, Ionic, and .NET Mobile.

With so many powerful and flexible features, one valid concern is that these benefits will increase your app download size and degrade your app performance. However, with Cobrowse, you can get the best of both worlds - the most feature-rich solution with the smallest Software Development Kit (SDK) sizes available. Gain maximum value with negligible impact on your customers’ devices.

Plus, with features like mobile camera share, our software empowers support agents to see exactly what the customer sees, not only on their screen but also through their eyes, solving hardware troubleshooting problems faster and more effectively.

Vendor evaluation tip

For the few providers that list mobile support on their marketing websites, make sure to verify this means full support for all critical co-browsing capabilities on native mobile apps. Make sure it includes support for Android and iOS; including any framework your app uses, such as SwiftUI and Android Compose. Be sure to involve your mobile team in the evaluation, because the technical capabilities of your chosen solution can make the difference between an advocate and a detractor.


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