Self-Hosted Deployments

Feature Spotlight

Self-Hosted Deployments

The same Cobrowse software which runs in the cloud is also available for enterprises to self-host in their own cloud accounts, run in their on-premises data centers, or even deploy to air-gapped, protected networks.

Instead of using Cobrowse’s ISO 27001 and SOC 2-certified hosted software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings, enterprise customers may choose to run the Cobrowse software entirely in their own technology infrastructure. In these cases, Cobrowse has no access to the Cobrowse software, no data is transmitted to Cobrowse servers, and Cobrowse is not a required subprocessor.

Window wireframes with cobrowse components

Why it matters

Enterprise customers from around the world choose to host their service on Cobrowse’s trusted global cloud, US-only cloud, or EU-only cloud. Our purpose-built architecture allows for scalability, reliability, and rapid delivery of the services globally.

However, this is not the best fit for every company. Using vendor-hosted services means key business operations and data processing sit outside the company’s full control. This may introduce incremental risk and can impact interoperability with internal IT systems and security controls.

By self-hosting the Cobrowse software, you retain full control over all data processing and can apply IT policies and security controls consistent with your other internal systems. Self-hosting can streamline privacy and security approvals, as well as the deployment and ongoing management and usage of the Cobrowse software.

Self-hosting in action

Range of deployment options supported

Over 50 global enterprises run their own instance of Cobrowse across the widest range of platforms available, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or in their own on-premises data centers. Tailored for enterprise-grade requirements, we ensure our software aligns perfectly with your business needs.

Air-gapped support, with no phone home

Ensure maximum security with Cobrowse’s air-gapped deployment support. Designed for locked down, isolated environments, and a perfect fit for highly secure or restricted operations.

technology stack

Built on a foundation of modern technologies, our platform integrates seamlessly with industry favorites like Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and Helm; making your DevOps team’s work smoother and more efficient.






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