Universal Co-browsing

Feature Spotlight

Universal Co-browsing

Universal co-browsing enables agents to seamlessly follow your customers, even when they navigate to 3rd-party websites or apps as part of their digital journey. All agent tools such as laser pointer, annotation, and sensitive data masking are still available on 3rd-party websites when using universal co-browsing.

Most co-browsing vendors do not provide a universal co-browsing mode. Or, they only provide universal co-browsing and nothing else. Combining regular and universal co-browsing into a single unified co-browsing tool provides the most seamless agent and customer experiences.

Window wireframes with cobrowse components

Why it matters

Many digital journeys require customers to navigate multiple domains, websites, apps, and 3rd-party content. Examples include payment portals, user login pages, e-sign providers, form applications, and more. This could also include additional digital properties within your own company that are developed or managed by separate teams.

When using regular co-browsing technology, navigating to 3rd-party content is not possible. A potential fallback is to use screen-share technology, but screen-sharing disrupts the customer experience and doesn’t support vital agent guidance tools or data redaction. As a result, agents have blindspots on some of the most error-prone parts of the digital journey. Agents must also be trained on the specific flows that co-browsing does not support, creating even more overhead.

Rather than creating blindspots for your agents during these critical and complex workflows, universal co-browsing enables agents to follow wherever the customer goes. This allows you to maintain the benefits of co-browsing no matter your customer journey.

Universal co-browsing in action

Standard + Universal co-browsing, working together.

Rather than one or the other, Cobrowse customers get the best of both worlds. Standard and universal co-browsing technologies work together within the same session, and the customer can seamlessly navigate to and from 3rd party content without interruption.

All your standard co-browsing features, such as the laser pointer, annotation, and data redaction, are fully supported. This keeps the experience the same for agents and customers throughout the customer journey.

Configure user consent prompts where needed, maintaining transparency, tracking the user’s explicit consent and ensuring the customer remains in control.

Use data redaction to prevent unwanted data from leaving the customer’s device, even from 3rd party websites and content. Continue to annotate and guide the customer as you would on your own websites.


Harness the power of Cobrowse to enable both agents and customers to succeed.