Remote Control

Feature Spotlight

Remote Control

Remote control allows agents to take limited control of a customer’s web page or mobile app screen during a support session. This feature enables agents to perform permitted actions on behalf of the customer, such as co-filling forms, navigating to the correct URLs, troubleshooting issues, or completing complex tasks. It can be useful for resolving problems effectively, ensuring customers receive the help they need without performing challenging steps themselves.

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Why it matters

Remote control allows agents to provide proactive support and resolve issues that customers may find difficult to handle on their own. This hands-on assistance can address technical or complex problems that require expert knowledge or multiple steps.

Relying solely on verbal instructions can lead to miscommunication, causing frustration and prolonged support sessions for agents and customers. There are some situations when completing actions for the customer is the most effective solution, either because the customer is running short of time, or they have reached their limit in terms of patience or frustration.

When introducing remote control, customers should feel they retain ultimate control over the process, with specific permissions granted only when necessary. This is an essential component of trust and aids feature adoption.

With remote control, agents can act decisively to get the customer back on track. This direct intervention ensures that issues are resolved promptly the first time, leading to higher customer satisfaction and a more efficient support process.

Remote Control in action

Remote control enables agents to take over a browsing session when standard tooling may not be sufficient to deliver the desired outcome. Maintaining the highest security and privacy standards is key to enabling the best, and safest remote control experience for consumers and businesses alike.

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Take control of websites, mobile apps, and desktop apps

Ensure support for remote control capabilities across all your platforms and frameworks: websites (including web on mobile), native iOS and Android apps (including React Native, hybrid apps, SwiftUI and Android Compose), and native desktop apps. Provide a consistent experience across your ecosystem and give your agents confidence that their tools will work, no matter what platform or device the customer is using.

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Maintain customer trust and strict security

Request additional customer consent for remote control capabilities, enhancing transparency and building trust. While agents have control, access can be restricted to specific content, with sensitive data or web pages excluded. Remote control permissions can be fine-tuned to allow only permitted actions, such as scrolling the customer’s screen without the ability to enter any text.

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Comprehensive audit logs and session replays

Record all actions taken during remote control sessions in a detailed audit log, ensuring each customer action is transparent. Enable optional video recordings for further compliance purposes, providing a visual record of every interaction for review if needed. This provides a robust framework for accountability and compliance when using remote control.


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