
Cloud providers may engage the following entities to process personal data through your use of the Software:

Third-Party Entity Description of Processing Headquarter Location
Amazon Web Services, Inc. Cloud Services Seattle, Washington
Google Inc. Cloud Services Mountain View, California
Microsoft Corp Cloud Services Redmond, Washington
MongoDB Inc. Database Provider New York City, New York
Mailgun Technologies, Inc. Transactional Email San Antonio, Texas

Other Third-Party Subprocessors

To provide support and perform other service functions, we may also engage the following entities to process personal data on your behalf:

Third-Party Entity Description of Processing Headquarter Location
Google Inc. Various Mountain View, California
Stripe Inc. Payment Processor San Francisco, California
HubSpot Inc. CRM Software Cambridge, Massachusetts
Slack Technologies Inc. Messaging Software San Francisco, California
LinkedIn Corporation Marketing & Advertising Sunnyvale, California
Snitcher B.V. Marketing & Advertising Hilversum, Netherlands
Getvector, Inc Marketing & Advertising Boston, Massachusetts

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